Retirement offers you the freedom to seek new passions and pursue your own hobbies. Though this life transition gifts you the time to explore your interests, it can also be an isolating point in your life. If you feel disconnected, consider these tips to find and build community in retirement.

Reflect on Hobbies and Passions

Finding community starts with aligning your interests to those around you. Whether you like gardening, reading, or playing sports, there will be a community waiting for you to mingle with. Open new doors by joining clubs for the things you already know and love.

Explore New Activities

If you want to try new things, signing up with a community is the perfect way to learn and engage with other people with varied interests. You might learn about new hobbies or enjoy things you always wanted to do but never had time for. For example, you could gain new experiences like bird-watching or learn a new sport with others around you.

Take Classes or Workshops

If you’re looking to take on new skills like tailoring or painting, local community centers and libraries often offer classes and workshops for retirees. These classes introduce people and offer a sense of familiarity with a scheduled routine. Join one of these classes to learn a new skill alongside other classmates.

Participate in Religious or Spiritual Communities

If you’re religious or spiritual, you can rejuvenate your belonging and purpose by taking part in these communities. These places of worship offer group activities for charitable networks while providing spiritual and social support.


Retirement is a great time to give back to your community. Many organizations welcome retirees to participate in volunteering activities at food banks, hospitals, and schools. Your experience and wisdom help shape the community as you engage with other retirees around you.

Following these tips to find and build community in retirement is easier if you live in a retirement community. If you’re searching for a community in Florida, look no further than the available Del Webb Lakewood Ranch homes for sale. These homes are nestled in a retired community that embraces new members and welcomes them into their social circles. Find kinship and invest in your hobbies by moving into a growing community of other retirees!